Saturday 16 July 2011

Personal Holiday ♥

Recently, I'm totally stress =(
Suffer in stressful study life
Suffer with my assignments and tests
Especially the Cooperate Treasury Management assignment
What a headache assignment i had met
It made me need to burn the midnight oil due to over the percentage of original work
We should not over 15%
But when we submit to collage website
We got the result of 36%
Oh NO !!
Can i say I'm exhausted ??
Can i just leave it ??
I lazy to redo
No other way
We need to redo @_@
The time show now is 3am

We need to complete it before 9am class =(

We used 3 hours time to redo
i sacrificed my sleeping time just hope to get a better result in my assignment
Approve myself to deserve a one week holiday
I'm coming home again
Release STRESS with my Bestie @ Neway
Sing Sang Sung !!
Thanks my Bestie Shu Shu
I feel much more better now ^^

Wah !!
So many Milo on the table ^^
Can't believe 3 of us drank total 16 cups of Milo in 4 hours time ..
Fuyohhhhh =D

I ♥ Milo

Had the famous Tomyam in Raja Uda
Finally i got you ^^
People Mountain People Sea here
Waiting for more than 1 hour time
Cool Man !!

the Tomyam Porridge
Neither too spicy nor sour
Delicioussss =)

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